Passive Multifamily Investments

Helping Investors Generate Passive Cash Flow Through Commercial Real Estate Investment Opportunities


Stratford Equity identifies, acquires, repositions and operates multifamily (think: apartments) as investment opportunities for passive and active investors.

We identify and acquire value-add and core assets in communities with a growing economic base, providing busy professionals with access to tax-advantaged passive income generating properties.  Our team manages the properties so you don’t have to.

Why Multifamily Real Estate?

  • Cash Flow – need we say more? 
  • Passive Income – you aren’t dealing with the 3 T’s (tenants, toilets and termites)
  • Tax Advantaged – through depreciation and cost segregation studies, the majority of your income is tax free or deferred 
  • Leverage – provides the ability to buy bigger properties and scale your investment portfolio faster
  • Appreciation – properties increase in value over time as 
  • Inflation Hedge – as inflation rises, so do the rents and therefore the value of the property

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