About Stratford Equity


Passive Income

"Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined. The wise young man or wage earner of today invests his money in real estate." ~ Andrew Carnegie

Investing in real estate doesn’t mean that YOU have to deal with the 3-T’s of investment real estate  (toilets, termites and tenants).  We identify, acquire and operate the properties.  We’re the active partner in the deal.

Your role as an investor in our multifamily deals is passive – you’re earning “mailbox money”.

You earn regular, tax preferred or tax free cash flow – while we improve and operate the property, take care of the tenants, increase rents and allow time for the property to appreciate in value.  

The target hold time is typically 5-7 years, and the target annual cash return of 7%-8% while we’re improving the property and allowing time for the asset to appreciate in value.  Of course, when we sell the property you also benefit from the appreciated value.

Financial Freedom Through Real Estate

What does financial freedom look like to you?  It is different for each of us.  Does it mean having enough passive, cash flowing income to retire from a working career or W2 job?  Does it mean the ability to vacation and travel more.  Does it mean not having to worry about losing a job and getting laid off because you have an additional source of income?  Does it mean you’ve created a revenue stream for your family and future generations? 

Passive investing in multifamily real estate will (over time) help to position you for your true financial freedom.  It is not a get rich strategy, but it is a get rich slow.  Slow and steady wins the race!

Whatever your personal long-term goals may be, multifamily real estate investing can be a valuable tool in your financial toolbox.

This is one of the very few investment vehicles that provides for an investment in a REAL, physical asset (as opposed pieces of paper -or- virtual and highly volatile digital money (cryptocurrency) ).   

We have seen the toll that the recent economic downturn has had on other real estate asset classes such as office and retail.  Because people will always need a place to live – multifamily real estate continues to outperform almost all other real estate asset classes.

Since housing is so critical to our economy, our government encourages investment in multifamily real estate though generous tax preferred incentives.  Housing is a critically necessary component of our economic infrastructure.

What We Do

What Do We Invest In?

Multifamily = Apartments.

We provide multifamily investment opportunities for accredited and non-accredited investors through a syndication model.

We identify, acquire and operate stabilized cash flowing assets (class A and B) as well as enhance and reposition assets that need some work to become stabilized and repositioned through a value-add strategy (class B and C).

As an asset class, multifamily continues to prove itself through the ability to weather market and economic downturns.

Why Real Estate?
- Tax Benefits
- Cash Flow
- Appreciation
- Inflation Hedge
- Leverage
- REAL (not crypto, stocks)

Passive Cash Flow Income

As an accredited or non-accredited investor in our multifamily real estate deals, you will earn regular tax preferred cash flowing income.

Through the syndication model - you are a limited partner - you don't have to operate the deal and worry about the 3-T's (toilets, termites or tenants). We operate the property and manage the asset. You receive tax preferred mailbox money (return on capital) while we wait for the property to appreciate. If conditions are favorable, we may refinance during the hold period and return a portion or all of your initial investment tax free as a return of capital. Ultimately, we will sell the appreciated property and distribute funds and close out the investment (and look for the next great opportunity).

You can invest through your personal investments, through an LLC and yes - even through your qualified retirement funds such as self-directed IRA's or solo 401K's (ask us for additional information).

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